Optimal Order Quantity Model with Fuzzy Defective Rate and Service Level Constraint 含模糊缺陷率且有服务水平限制的EOQ模型
Fuzzy constraint functions are set up according to static analysis, dynamic analysis and properties analysis of belt conveyor. 通过对输送机进行静动态分析和性能分析,建立了模糊约束函数。
Solving fuzzy QoS constraint optimization technique for Web service selection 适应模糊QoS约束优化的Web服务选择技术研究
By means of decomposition theorem, we discuss fuzzy programming for bi-level linear programming with fuzzy numbers in common constraint functions and apply fuzzy mathematical programming approach to obtain the solution of the system under certain satisfactory degree. 以分解定理为依据,讨论了约束中含有模糊数的双层线性规划的解法,并应用模糊数学规划的方法得到了该系统在一定置信水平下的满意解。
An effective algorithm for fuzzy resource constraint nonlinear programming Fuzzy资源约束非线性规划的一个有效解法
Constraint Processing A Fuzzy Portfolio Selection Decision Methodology under Borrowing Constraint 约束问题求解存在融资条件下证券组合选择的一种模糊决策方法
In the study, the users 'preferences and satisfaction are modeled as a fuzzy constraint satisfaction problem ( FCSP). Based on this modeling, the hierarchical task network ( HTN) is used to compose web services with the Branch and Bound Method. 该方法利用模糊约束来表达用户的偏好,将用户的偏好和满意程度转化成为模糊约束满足问题,进而使用分支定界法对层次化任务网络(HTN)进行分解。
Allowance Law Applying in the Minimum-cost Flow Problem with Fuzzy Constraint 容差法在带模糊约束最小费用流问题中的应用
The design process deals with fuzzy factors, non-symmetric optimal model. In the foundation of comprehensively anglicizing the design request and working condition, through the union of reliability and fuzzy optimized designing theory, it established gear model which took the fuzzy reliability as the constraint condition. 在优化设计方案中考虑了影响设计的模糊因素和约束的模糊性,建立了非对称模糊优化模型,采用最优水平截集法求解,得出优化设计结论。
Minimum-cost and Minimum-time Problem Based on Graph Theory and Fuzzy Constraint 一类基于模糊图论的费用与时间最优化问题的模型
Study on Negotiation Decision with Fuzzy Constraint Satisfaction Problems 基于模糊约束满足问题的谈判决策研究
Slipknot polymer network model based upon the fuzzy constraint method 基于模糊约束法的聚合物活结网模型
Thus we get an approach to the fuzzy linear programming problem under constraint conditions with fuzzy coefficients. 从而使约束带模糊系数的模糊线性规划问题得到一种基于模糊距离的求解方法。
According to the fuzzy demand of this kind of constraints in actual system, an improved method integrated with fuzzy constraint enforcement was proposed in this paper. 根据实际运行中对这一安全裕度的模糊要求,该文提出了在常规算法中引入模糊约束以解决这一问题。
Equilibrium of the Consumers Under the Fuzzy Constraint 模糊约束下的消费者均衡
The solution for fuzzy linear programming with constraint satisfactory function 一种基于约束满意度的模糊线性规划解法
Application of fuzzy constraint network in conflict detection of machine tool's collaborative design 模糊约束网络在机床产品协同设计冲突检测中的应用
The definitions and properties of fuzzy constraint are discussed, and based on its properties, the spaces of itemsets and transactions are pruned, thus improving the mining efficiency. 讨论了模糊约束的定义和性质,并根据其性质对项集空间和事务空间进行剪枝,以提高挖掘效率。
The minimization of consumption under the fuzzy utility constraint 模糊效用约束下的消费者支出最小化
Based on the concept of possibility distribution, linguistic expert knowledge that is intrinsically fuzzy is translated into an elastic constraint on the values that may be assigned to a competitor's bid. 文中基于可能性分布的概念,将以自然语言表示的专家知识转换为其他发电公司报价取值的弹性约束。
A stochastic programming model with fuzzy chance constraint is presented which has stochastic and fuzzy parameters. 提出一类模糊机会约束的随机期望值规划模型,该模型同时含有随机和模糊参数。
On Existence of Nondominated Solutions in Fuzzy Multiobjective Programming with Fuzzy Constraint Sets 关于具有Fuzzy约束的Fuzzy多目标规划非控解的存在性
A Approach to Bi-level Linear Programming with Fuzzy Number Coefficients in Constraint Functions 约束中含有模糊数的双层线性规划的一种解法
A concrete implementation of GA is described in detail. The three-layer system architecture of conflict detection based on fuzzy constraint network is put forward. 提出了基于模糊约束网络的冲突检测系统的体系结构,并对原型系统进行开发。
In this mechanism, fuzzy trust as the primary constraint to labeling algorithm, then network coding is made on the key node, which can solve the problem of encoding failure. 以模糊信任作为标号算法的首要约束条件,然后在可信关键结点上进行网络编码,解决了编码失败问题。
Based on the analysis of CLSC facility location problem, a fuzzy random Maximax chance constraint quadratic programming model is put forward. For one type of LR fuzzy random variable, the chance constraint programming model is transferred to a crisp one by using fuzzy and stochastic theories. 通过闭环供应链设施选址问题的分析建立模糊随机Maximax机会约束二次规划模型,并针对一种特定的模糊随机变量运用模糊数学和随机理论等理论知识将其转换为等价的确定型模型。
In this paper, fuzzy constraint conditions of reservoir operation and fuzzy objective functions fuzzed are trial to be handled, which will be the foundation of the further research. 本文分别对水库调度中的约束条件和目标函数的模糊化处理作了初步的尝试,为以后更深入的研究奠定了基础,探索了一种行之有效地方法。
Besides, according to the theory of fuzzy possibility measure, the fuzzy chance constraint model and fuzzy chance-dependent model of network optimum path are illustrated. 此外,本文利用模糊可能性测度理论,建立了网络最佳路径的模糊机会约束模型和模糊相关机会规划模型。
On the basis of the fuzzy reliability optimum, the robustness of the fuzzy constraint is discussed. Examples are worked out to show the necessity of the robust design and fuzzy robust design. 在模糊可靠度优化的基础上,提出了模糊约束的稳健性问题,建立了复合材料的模糊稳健设计模型,通过具体算例说明了稳健设计和模糊稳健设计的可行性和必要性。
Simulation examples were given and comparisons were made between fuzzy resource constraint model and deterministic resource constraint model for 2400 stochastic problems. 然后给出了仿真数值实例,比较了模糊多资源约束和确定性多资源约束模型对2400个随机问题的计算结果。